Day 1: Fiji Takes Center Stage

On the day that it officially accepted the COP Presidency from Morocco, Fiji burst onto the international stage by kicking off the first “Pacific COP” in the UNFCCC’s history.

In his prepared remarks this morning, Frank Bainimarama, Fiji’s Prime Minister and President of COP 23, urged the 195 gathered nations to use this opportunity to “maintain the course we set in Paris” and “to advance ambition and support for climate action before 2020.”

In veiled reference to Donald Trump’s “America First” policy, Bainimarama stressed that ” the only way for [a] nation to put itself first is to lock arms with all other nations and move forward together.” A similar theme emerged in outgoing Moroccan COP 22 President Salaheddine Mezouar’s prepared statement, which emphasized that “In this process there are only winners. There are only winners. There are no power-plays to make. There are only displays of ingenuity and action.”


Frank Bainimarama accepting the Presidency of COP 23 from COP 22 President Salaheddine Mezouar

The Fijian influence on the conference is easily detectable. Beyond the wave and tropical blue and green color scheme, Fijian culture features prominently. Pictures of Fijian children and adults in traditional clothes are scattered throughout the conference venues, as are poignant aerial shots of low-laying islands fated to succumb to rising sea levels.


One of the primary goals of the conference is to agree on the format of the so-called “Talanoa Dialogue” which will take place during 2018. The Dialogue is intended to increase the ambition of nationally determined contributions (NDCs) in order to bring emissions into alignment with the 1.5 and 2 degree climate scenarios laid out in the Paris Agreement. Originally referred to as the Facilitative Dialogue, it was re-named the Talanoa Dialogue in order to invoke the Pacific Talanoa Spirit of understanding and mutual respect. The Talanoa Dialogue is seen as a intended to carry forward an inclusive, transparent dialogue between parties and non-party stakeholders (civil society, cities, businesses, indigenous peoples). Talanoa is a recurring theme at the conference. The Talanoa area in the Bonn Zone, pictured below, serves as a briefing area for non-party stakeholders to hear about life in Fiji as well as the outcomes of the day’s negotiations. The spirit is further reflected in the Fijian Presidency’s pioneering attempt to bring civil society to the Bula Zone on Wednesday, November 8th to debate increasing the ambition of NDCs with official party members. It remains to be seen whether this increased party-non-party engagement through Talanoa will impact the conference’s negotiated position.


The Talanoa Space in the Bonn Zone

The conference tagline has also been set, if only informally. Invoked several times in side-events I attended, the phrase emerged from Bainimarama’s closing remarks to the opening plenary. I think they are fitting words that capture the spirit of day one:

“Excellencies, Distinguished Delegates: this is our moment of truth – when all of us in this room will be tested. We must not be found wanting. We are all in the same canoe, which is why we have a drua – a Fijian ocean-going canoe – in the foyer. To remind us of our duty to fill its sail with a collective determination to achieve our mission. So let’s make the hard decisions that have to be made for the sake of ourselves and the generations to come. Let’s use the next two weeks to get the job done.”


The Drua, a Fijian ocean-going canoe, guarded by two Fijian men in traditional clothing.

We are indeed all in the same canoe… only time will tell however if those steering will listen to the ones watching the horizon.


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One Comment on “Day 1: Fiji Takes Center Stage

  1. Hello Aaron!
    It looks as if you are learning lots and embarking on one educational journey!
    You have lots of good insight from which I am taking lots away. It is interesting to see what else is happening in this world… things that we may not get the chance to witness. As always, thank you for sharing!


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